Test batteries are tailored to the exact needs presented by the individual, often including:
Intellectual Assessment
- Determination of overall level of cognitive functioning and potential
- Delineation of cognitive strengths and weaknesses, including:
- Verbal information processing
- Auditory processing
- Nonverbal reasoning
- Rote memory
- Processing speed
- Analysis of intellectual problem-solving
- Role of attention in demonstrations of intellectual potential
Educational Assessment
- Reading
- Mathematics
- Academic fluency
- Written language
Executive Functioning Skills
Assessment of skills that deal with:
- Organization
- Attention
- Behavioral/emotional control
- Initiation
- Time management
- Task completion
- Having full and consistent access to true intellectual abilities
Emotional and Personality Assessment
- Analysis of inner emotional world
- Emotional problem-solving and decision-making
- Quality of thinking/reality testing and accuracy of judgment
- Current stress levels and whether issues reflect more ongoing or situational-based concerns
- Evaluation of stress management skills and coping strategies
- Underpinnings of internal emotional states (e.g., depression, anger, anxiety)
- Evaluation of emotional regulation and behavioral dyscontrol
- Self-esteem
- Identity issues
- Quality of interpersonal interactions
- Level of social skills